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01476 870393 Arbor

Inspiring a Love for Learning

“Let all that you do be done with love.” 1 Corinthians 16:14

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Class 1

Welcome to Class 1


This is the Key Stage 1 class with Years 1 and 2.


In Class 1, we strive to build upon children's academic knowledge, through providing children with many opportunities for independent learning and opportunities for a greater depth of understanding. This allows the children to develop their own knowledge and opinions. Our aim is for our children to feel confident, creative and supported by adults who have skills beyond the classroom.


We use Christian Values to help us support and celebrate the children’s individuality, unique talents, personality and interests.


We aim to foster a real enjoyment of books and to help children become independent readers.  Both the school and home play essential parts in helping children to become competent readers. The children will experience reading throughout the day and through a wide variety of activities.


We want the children to enjoy Maths as much as we do and so we always start from where the individual child is and build on their previous successes.  As in all curriculum subjects, we strive to ensure that the individual needs of all the children are fully catered for.

Therefore, when visiting class 1, please expect to find a classroom that is active, creative and imaginative, and one that equips children with the skills they need for the growing digital lifestyle of the modern day.


Our room is an exciting, vibrant place where our children are happy, safe, and secure in their environment. Our children are keen to learn and quickly become confident, independent learners who work and play beautifully with their friends.


