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Inspiring a Love for Learning

“Let all that you do be done with love.” 1 Corinthians 16:14

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Universal Catch-Up Funding

Universal Catch Up Premium strategy statement             


In March 2020, most schools in the UK were closed, in an attempt to reduce the spread of Covid-19. This resulted in most pupils and students missing out on 4 months of education. In August, the government announced that it would give every mainstream school additional funding, equating to £80 per pupil. Some key principles were outlined as below:

  • Schools should use this funding for specific activities to support their pupils to catch up for lost teaching over the previous months
  • Schools have the flexibility to spend their funding in the best way for their cohort and circumstances
  • School leaders must be able to account for how this money is being used to achieve our central goal of schools getting back on track and teaching a normal curriculum as quickly as possible
  • Governors and trustees should scrutinise schools’ approaches to catch-up from September, including their plans for and use of catch-up funding


The funding will be given in 3 tranches and schools are expected to use this money to enable pupils to catch up on the learning lost and to deliver key government curriculum expectations which are set out as below:

  1. Teach an ambitious and broad curriculum in all subjects
  2. Make time to cover the most important missed content
  3. Prioritise most important components for progression
  4. Focus on key skills, e.g. reading
  5. Aim to return to the school’s normal curriculum in all subjects by summer term 2021
  6. Plan on the basis of the educational needs of pupils - use feedback from regular formative assessment to plan for next week’s lessons
  7. Develop remote education so that it is integrated into school curriculum planning


While schools are free to spend the money as they consider appropriate, evidence from the EEF has been signposted to aid schools in making decisions about how to spend the Universal Catch Up Premium, as below:


  1. Teaching and whole school strategies
    1. Supporting great teaching
    2. Pupil assessment and feedback
    3. Transition support


  1. Targeted approaches
    1. One to one and small group tuition
    2. Intervention programmes
    3. Extended school time


  1. Wider strategies
    1. Supporting parent and carers
    2. Access to technology
    3. Summer support


School overview



 School name

Croxton Kerrial CE Primary

Pupils in school


Proportion of disadvantaged pupils


Universal Catch up Premium allocation


Academic year or years covered by statement


Publish date

Nov 2020

Review date

January 2021

New review date

March 2021

Universal catch Up Premium lead

Executive Head teacher


What our assessments have told us

Evidence from a mixture of teacher assessment combined with low stakes high impact retrieval practice through the first half of the autumn term. We took the view not to carry out formal testing to enable a period of recovery and rediscovery.

  • Where children have regressed in reading, they need more time to read with an adult
  • In order to improve phonics and reading there is a need to supplement current books linked a focus on phonics and spelling teaching and to support learning.
  • Handwriting, spelling and general stamina are impacting on writing
  • Lower ability children require 1:1 or very small group intervention in maths and English.
  • ICT support programmes and Ipads to support children in their lessons and enhance remote learning.
  • Purchase of SEND programmes aimed at speech and language, dyslexia and dyscalculia.
  • Children identified and supported with managing their relationships with peers and building self-esteem and well-being.



Strategic aims for Universal Catch Up Premium

Strategic aim

EEF priority

Government curriculum expectation

English and Maths intervention



2a, b

1, 2, 3, 4,7

Broaden access to resources that support phonics, reading, blended learning, homework and SEND




ELSA training to support Social and Emotional Development





Strategic plan for Universal Catch Up Premium




KPI – June 2021


English and Maths intervention

  • Purchase licence for Nessy support prog to help children who need support to read, write and spell.
  • An additional adult to provide high level quality first teaching to enable the class teacher to support with intervention (e.g. music, art, dance).
  • Spelling Shed subscription
  • Increase in iPads/tablets to support learning in school and remote learning during the C-19 restriction.








HoS with BM











Children with specific needs demonstrate increased progress on O’ Track.

All children benefit from QFT from specialist/experienced staff

Children with specific need benefit from support in class and through intervention programmes.

Children in greatest need have had access to remote learning and children in class can access online learning programmes.

Accuracy in spelling improves over time.

SENDCo: through summative assessment

Class teacher: formative and summative assessments

SLT/govs: monitoring visits

Literacy coordinator: formative assessments including baseline and KPI points

Broaden access to resources that support phonics and encourage more reading opportunities.

  • Supplement existing phonics books for EYFS, Y1, Y2
  • Purchase high quality texts for KS2 free readers
  • Monster phonics to support letters and sounds
  • Purchase SEND programmes to support children with speech and language delay and who need support in reading, writing and spelling.





With HoS and SENDCo









All pupils able to access and share books at home matched to their phonic knowledge. All pupils have access to high quality reading material.

All children benefit from access to high quality resources to support phonics programme

Subject coordinator: learning walks, virtual observations.

Class teacher/pupil progress meetings: Summative and formative assessments.

ELSA training to support Social and Emotional Development



Staff member trained and timetables of support are in place; parents are informed and are able to follow-up at home. Training starts in Feb 21.

SENDCo: monthly meetings; feedback from staff and parents

Subscribe to Discovery Espresso to support blending learning and access to high quality resources to support learning at home.



Timetables of learning show opportunities for blended learning across the curriculum, including homework

HoS and subject coordinators,: timetables monitored through 365.







To be reviewed following summative and formative assessments at the end of term to review need.






