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01476 870393 Arbor

Inspiring a Love for Learning

“Let all that you do be done with love.” 1 Corinthians 16:14

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Play Leaders

Our Play Leaders


The aim of the Play Leader role is to introduce and develop leadership skills in Y5/Y6 children, while making playtimes fun, safe, active and happy for everyone!


Our Play Leaders are trained to organise activities for other children in the playground in order to increase activity in the playground, whilst also helping to develop friendships. The children liaise with our school games coordinator, who suggests ideas and is there to help throughout the year.


What exactly do our play leaders do?


§ Give up some of their lunchtimes to support others.

§ Help to organise games and activities for younger children in the playground.

§ Be responsible for handing out and collecting in play equipment.

§ Be there if anyone needs a listening ear or help to solve a problem.

§ Help to make our playground a safe and happy place to play.

