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01476 870393 Arbor

Inspiring a Love for Learning

“Let all that you do be done with love.” 1 Corinthians 16:14

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Induction and Transition



For New Reception Pupils

During the summer term, prior to starting school in August, the children are invited to spend two sessions in school learning about what life will be like for them in Class 1. Parents are invited to the initial session to settle children and to meet and chat to staff. Children then attend one session independently.


Also prior to starting school parents and children are invited to attend many of our summer events, eg. sports day, summer performance to welcome them to our school community.


Over the summer holiday, the children are asked to complete a special booklet. This helps to introduce them to their teachers and the Year 1 and 2 children. This includes, for example, photographs, drawings and important information.


Parents of new starters are invited to attend a Welcome meeting in the summer term. Once children have started school there is an Induction meeting which gives an insight into the learning and teaching at Croxton Kerrial.


Welcome meeting.

During the Summer term, you will meet staff and find out what your child can expect when they join us in Reception. The Reception teacher and early year staff guide you through the daily routines, answer questions and discuss the things needed in preparation for starting school, for example a school book-bag, uniform, school meals, etc.


Induction meeting.

This meeting takes place a few weeks into the autumn term. Staff discuss the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and the learning that takes place in Reception. They will also discuss the important part parents play in this learning and how you can support your child.


Reading and writing workshop/s. (Held in the autumn term).

The staff give an overview of how reading and writing are taught in Class 1 and how the parent-school partnership is critical to the success of children's development. We will discuss how we develop reading and writing for example learning phonics through the  'Sounds-Write' programme.



Applying for a Place at Croxton Kerrial School


The Local Authority is the admitting authority for all County schools and our policy is based on their policy for admissions; you may view this on our website. The school catchment area, maximum school size and conditions for admission are set up by Leicestershire Local Authority and RISE in consultation with the Governors. Our current admission limit is 12, although we are able to take more pupils depending on current class sizes which is at the discretion of the Executive Head teacher.


When your child reaches the age of 4, you will need to make a firm decision about which school you would like your child to attend.  To attend Croxton Kerrial, complete the on-line admissions form at Leicestershire County Council Admissions  ensuring you state that Croxton Kerrial is your first choice of school.


Places are generally given to all children who live in the catchment area; out of catchment pupils are not necessarily guaranteed a place. To avoid disappointment, it is therefore advisable that you contact the school at the earliest possible opportunity so that procedures can be explained.

For first time admissions, the deadline usually falls in the first two weeks of January. County Hall notifies parents directly regarding the application and also informs school. We then send out information regarding induction visits; this will be around April time.


Parents of prospective pupils of all ages are welcome to visit the school and meet the staff by making an appointment. There are also many events during the school year that are open to all members of the community and these provide ideal opportunities for you and your child to meet everyone at Croxton Kerrial School. Older pupils are also invited to spend time familiarising themselves with our setting before starting full-time by prior arrangement with the Head of School.


Transition arrangements for children currently at our school


During the summer term, children spend a session with their new teacher and new class for the next academic year. This helps them to prepare for the new year.

As we are a small school, there are many opportunities for children to work with different teachers and other children of all age groups thus transition is an easy process.


Transition arrangements for children leaving at the end of Year 6


Children who attend Croxton Kerrial School are currently offered a place at The Priory Belvoir Academy, in Bottesford, for their secondary education Belvoir Academy. There are a number of systems in place to aid a successful transition.


Parents and children receive a school prospectus during the autumn term and can visit for a tour of the school.


During the summer term, The Priory Belvoir Academy Year 6 liaison teacher visits to talk to the Year 6 teacher and children.


An induction day takes place prior to the children starting in the autumn, enabling them to experience, for example, catching the school bus, meeting their tutor group, tasting the school meals and working in a new environment! Parents can attend an evening session so their child can give them a guided tour.


Some parents prefer to send their child to a different educational setting, e.g. local grammar schools or school’s in Grantham or Melton Mowbray. We work with each school to support the transition process, which includes visits from the secondary staff to meet the children, induction visits and the exchange of relevant information.


We encourage parents to come and discuss their preferred choice of school for their child so that we can begin to support them through the process.
